Kitchari Kirtan comes to Swampscott!

Posted on February 9, 2011


On February 11 from 6:30 – 10:00 p.m., come to the Unitarian Universalist Church of Greater Lynn for a special evening of celebration through food, chanting and community as Kitchari Kirtan offered by Tamal Krishna das and Clarence Dow comes to Swampscott for the first time!

Even as the Earth begins to turn back towards the Sun, winter is just settling in, spreading out its snowy sleeping mat. As we turn to find warmth within our homes, we find opportunities to slow down and contemplate the nature of change. What has come? What has gone? What do we want to grow?

Chanting is a powerful tool for change. As we slow down and turn towards our breath, we find insight and grounding. We chant to connect with the Divine, to call upon our greatest and highest selves, to answer the call of love and bring in all the bliss and gratitude that this human life has to offer.

A musician and Bhakti poet, Tom (Tamal Krishna das) offers Kitchari Kirtan™, inspiring others with the sacred sounds of vocal chanting and the call to community service. Releasing his first CD, “Om @ Club Passim,” Tom creates and performs devotional songs that nourish us integrally with moods ranging from prayerful to celebratory. “Kirtan only asks that we open our hearts so that we may wake up our souls and flow into grace.” Visit for additional information on Tom’s concerts, workshops, retreats, and tour schedules.

We begin the evening by sharing Kitchari, an ancient ayurvedic dish that means “mix”. Kirtan is a way to mix our selves with the Divine through chanting in a call and response style that is rooted in the Hindu tradition. Sanskrit mantras are gateways into deeper states of connection to our selves and each other, elevated and shaped by traditional and western instrumentation.

Kitchari Kirtan has a Beatles song in their repetoire. Can you guess which one it is?