Get Your First Draft of the New Lynn Trash Ordinance Here

Posted on September 13, 2012


What if you could have a hand in crafting policy for the city? What areas would you focus on? How would you achieve your goals?

Attorney Ron Mendes, board member of the Greater Lynn Chamber of Commerce, drafted a new trash ordinance for the city of Lynn. He submitted to the City Council about a month ago. I think he has done a marvelous job.

But a first draft is meant to be marked up, criticized and improved. It starts out as one man’s work, but especially in this case, it needs the input of others to make it reflect the community’s values.

I have my ideas and suggestions. What are yours?

Ron has allowed me to share the draft of the new trash ordinance with you. If you’re reading this, you have a computer and chances are you know how to use it.

If you care about the place you live, I want you to download this draft and read it. Comment on it here or mark it up in your favorite word processor and send to it me at I’ll pass it on to him. I’ll be editing my copy this weekend.

Make suggestions. Criticize. Go to the next Ordinance committee meeting. Write to your councilor and to the city council and ask them to read it into the record.

We–this city–need an enforceable trash ordinance and then we need to roll it out with much fanfare and enforce it after a short grace period. Let’s take pride in Lynn!

Here’s the link–First Draft of New Lynn Trash Ordinance. Let’s see what you have to say.

Posted in: Litter